Friday, June 17, 2011

Building a Comprehensive List.......

I've never attempted a blog, so bear with me while I throw my hat in this ring and attempt to get used to the way it works.

My friends, my girlfriend and I recently purchased a total of 6 kayaks and a canoe, vowing to get on the water as much as we could this summer.     Over the last few months, we've made good use of them, but have run into a bit of an issue on our adventures.     The lack of comprehensive, detailed information on specific campsites and/or boating waters is disappointing.    Even state parks, with dedicated websites, do a poor job of providing you with anything but the most basic information, with a couple piss poor pictures thrown in for good measure.    You're better off with a birds-eye view from Google Maps and a couple Yelp reviews (if they exist).   This blog is my attempt to give people a more realistic and detailed look at the places you may be wanting to visit. 

Then again, who am I kidding?    This blog is nothing more than a bunch of long Yelp reviews.    These are just my experiences.   Your mileage may vary.   

The first 4 or 5 blogs I put up will be for the trips I've made in the last couple months.     Because I'll probably end up writing them all in one sitting, you're almost guaranteed to see them get steadily more lazy and half-assed.      Anything after that (if I should choose to continue this) should hopefully pick back up, as I'll only have to write one or two a month.   I'm just being realistic.     If you're not happy with it, I'll be happy to refund the money that you paid for this subscription.     Wait, is that how blogs work?   You do pay me, right?     No?     FUCK!    My typing fingers feel tired, all of a sudden (as opposed to my "non-typing" fingers).

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